how to change permalink in blogger after publishing


Blogger's interface might have evolved since then. However, the general steps to change a permalink in Blogger after publishing a post should remain somewhat consistent. Here's how you might do it:


Log in to your Blogger account and access your Blogger Dashboard.


Once you're in the Dashboard, locate and click on the "Posts" section. This is where you manage all your published and draft posts.



Find the post for which you want to change the permalink. You can scroll through the list of posts or use the search bar to find it quickly.



Click on the "Edit" button or the title of the post to open the post editor.



Inside the post editor, look for the "Permalink" section. In some versions of Blogger, this might be under the "Post Settings" or "Post Options" section. There, you should see the current permalink of the post.



You can usually edit the permalink by clicking on an "Edit" or "Custom URL" option next to it. Change the URL to the desired new permalink  if not working then Click on the preview on the above page, three options will appear, the last option is to select "Revert to draft", after that the custom link will open again, then you can change the link.

    After changed the custom permalink click on publish now  your permalink is changed.

After changing the permalink, make sure to save your changes. This might involve clicking a "Save" or "Update" button, usually located at the top or bottom of the post editor.



Changing the permalink will result in the old URL becoming inactive. If you've shared the old URL anywhere, those links will lead to a 404 error. You might want to set up a redirect from the old URL to the new one to avoid broken links.



If you've linked to this post within your blog, remember to update those internal links to reflect the new permalink.

Remember, changing the permalink can impact your post's SEO and any existing links to the old URL. It's generally a good practice to choose a permalink that's descriptive and relevant to the post's content and keywords.

Please note that Blogger's interface might have been updated or changed since my last update. Always refer to the latest official documentation or user guides provided by Blogger for the most accurate and up-to-date instructions.


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